Are you looking for online writing jobs and websites that will pay you to write in 2022? Do you want to write and get paid as a freelance writer? Or are you looking for a way to monetize your freelance writing skills and sort some bills with them? Then you should stick around this blog post because I will comprehensively list and explain 70 different websites that can pay you as high as $100 or more when you write articles for them.
One of the best ways to make money with writing is to actively seek websites and companies that need writing services. There are also online publications that need writers and will pay to have you write for them. You can make a living full-time by writing for some of these publications.
To begin with, you should know which of these websites has a fixed payment price for each article they accept from you. This helps you know the exact amount of money you get paid for any article they receive from you.
This article aims to connect you to these websites and publications where you can submit your articles and get paid for them. Before your article is accepted, you should note that it will undergo some reviews by the publishers, and when it suits their demand, they accept your article and publish it. After this process, you get paid the fixed amount the publication stipulates.
Sweet yeah?
Here are the 70 websites you can find online writing jobs right now:
If you enjoy writing about adventure and geography, then this is for you. Just as the name sounds, this website accepts articles based on geology, travel, wildlife, natural and cultural history related to the North American desert and its surroundings. The required word count ranges from 1200 to 1500 words with specific details to the topic that has been written. Desert USA pays $50 for each article you submit.
Amount per Post: $50
Niche: Wildlife/Adventure
Payment method: Unknown
Payment information verified on websites: Yes
As the name implies, this website collects articles related to working moms, families, and lifestyle. Most readers are primarily full-time, part-time, and sideline moms, working on either public or private companies. Most are entrepreneurs or even self-employed.
This website requires words of a minimum of 700 and 1500 maximum.
Amount per Post: Unknown
Niche: Working moms
Payment Method: Unspecified
Payment information verified on the website: No
Are you a freelance writer with excellent knowledge on web design? Do you want to get paid to write tutorials and articles for web designs? Then Entheos is looking for you.
This website pays you to write tutorials and articles for their web designs. The website accepts your web design articles or tutorials to reach out to their readers or users to perfect their web design skills like photoshop, Dreamweaver, HTML5, CSS, web designs, Illustrator, etc. Entheos makes payment by PayPal and in USD rate per item published.
Amount per Post: Unknown
Niche: Web design
Payment Method: PayPal
Payment information verified on websites: Yes
Do you enjoy writing about traveling, especially for women? Can you write to an extraordinary audience of adventurous and globally-minded women? Then it’s Wanderful for you.
This website accepts articles that empower women to travel around the world.
Wanderful is always searching for a community-oriented, helpful, and actionable pieces of writing that answer questions about travel that their female readers ask. Word count ranges from 1000 to 2500 word and the payment for each article is $50.
Amount Per Post: $50
Niche: Travel
Payment Method: Unspecified
Payment Information verified On the Website: Yes
Income Diary focuses on articles related to online businesses. This can be social media articles, marketing articles, SEO articles, web design articles, and any article about growing a business online in general. If your article is about making money online, it’s most likely to be accepted by them. Income Diary pays up to $500 for a single well-researched article.
Amount Per Post: up to $500
Niche: Making money online/Online Business
Payment Method: Paypal
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
Back to College is one website that publishes articles on how to help college students. On the Back To College website, they look for articles that address topics crucial to older students. These could be obtaining financial aid, choosing the right program, taking online classes, etc. They pay $55 via PayPal for a well-researched article.
Amount per Post: $55
Niche: Education
Payment Method: PayPal/Check
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
Foreign policy is one of the world’s online leading publications about foreign affairs, foreign policies, and global matters. They accept articles related to politics, cultures, business, finance, etc.
The website pays $1 for each word, and their payment method is still unknown.
Amount Per word :$1
Niche: Foreign policy
Payment Method: unspecified
Payment Information Verified on the Website: No
Getting paid to write about travel is an excellent idea, and this publication has it all for you.
Great Escape Publishing is a travel publication searching for articles that talk about making a living while enjoying the luxury of traveling around the world. They accept interviews, personal stories, and other articles that show their readers how to make money even as they travel worldwide. They anticipate that articles should be around 300 – 600 words. They pay $150 per article.
Amount Per Post: $150
Niche: Travel
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on the website: Yes
Elite personal is a Finance platform. It accepts articles related to saving money, making money online, credit cards, loans, etc.
The word count ranges from 1000 to 3000, and they pay $100 for each article.
This website spends over $100,000 yearly on updating their content
As a writer, you have to be excellent with your craft to get your work accepted by this publication. However, if you are looking at making long-term stable income, you should try them out.
Word count expectations are 1,000 to 3,000 words. Elite personal finance pays $100 per article.
Amount Per Post:$100
Niche: Finance
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
This website has grown to be the best copywriting and conversion optimization blog as they publish some of the best, excellent, and comprehensive copywriting and conversion-optimized content.
As one of the leading copywriting and conversion optimization blogs, they are very strict on selecting articles. They prefer articles with practical steps and applications.
They pay pretty well for each article that makes it to the final selection.
Amount per Post:$325
Niche: Conversation optimization/ copywriting
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on the Website: Yes
Is parenting your thing? Are you a parent who wants to talk about the parenting journey? Here’s a website for you.
This website is actively looking for articles about parenting, and they pay $75 for each of the articles.
Boasting over 4million page views yearly, the website allows you to have your profile and a link to reach back to your article. Word count are in the range of 1500 to 3000.
Amount Per Post:$75
Niche: Parenting
Payment Method: PayPal
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
This website is also a parenting publication website. They are looking for writers or parents to contribute to their magazine and website. They specifically target their publications on Michigan territories, mainly southeast Michigan. This website is preferably one of the best websites to make money online, and their pay isn’t fixed. They could pay up to $200+ per article.
Amount Per Post: $35 to $200
Niche: Parenting
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information verified on Website: Yes
If you have an interest in writing design articles and tutorials, then you should consider Hongkiat. Hongkiat needs freelancers who write articles and make tutorials based on technology, web design development, design motivations, etc.
Your article should not be too long but should be in-depth and comprehensive.
Amount Per Post :$50
Niche: Design/Art
Payment Method: Paypal
Payment Information Verified on Website: No
SQL server central pays you for an article based on any SQL topic. They are more concerned with the quality of the articles rather than the word counts.
At the end of the month, when the article is published, you get a payment of $150
Amount Per Post: $150
Niche: SQL
Payment Method: Paypal
Payment Information Verified On Website: Yes
Do you have a great sense of humor? Then there’s also a website for you to earn money.
Funny Times expects your funniest stories of of 500-700 words. You would have to send them some samples, and upon publication, you receive $60 per article.
There is no specific interest here, and you can submit any story so far as it is funny.
Amount Per Post: $60
Niche: Humour
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified On Websites: Yes
Do you love food and cooking? Then you would be interested in Serious Eats.
This website pays writers for their contribution to food, cooking, and eating. This website pays good money for your article so if you have a flair for food, check out this website.
Amount per Post: $100+
Niche: Food
Payment Method: unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
This website pays for submitting articles based on their specified category listed on their website.
Some of their categories might include: politics, technology, food, health, science, etc.
Amount Per Post: Unspecified
Niche: General
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: No
If you enjoy talking or writing about politics, then you shouldn’t sleep on this one. The Progressive is a politics-based website. The pay range is $50 to $1300 for an article accepted by the progressive.
Amount per Post: up to $1300
Niche: Politics
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
This website pays freelancers for their contribution to improving mental ability. Your article should help impact knowledge on the readers as this website is mainly based on quizzes.
Amount Per Post: unknown
Niche: General
Payment Method: unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: No
Listverse pays you for submitting articles, especially in a list form. They pay $100 per list, which is posted on their website. Lists can be of anything, but they usually accept ones Top Ten countdowns in any topic.
Amount Per Post :$100
Niche: General
Payment Method: PayPal
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
This website pays $150 to $200 for articles based on HTML, CSS, SASS, or any web development-related article.
Amount per Post: $150 to $300
Niche Web development
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: No
Do you have a lot of ideas concerning Christian faith and Theology? Providence is ready to pay you for articles based on Christian faith and Theology. However, the articles need to correlate Christian faith and Theology to national security, political theory, defense, foreign policy, and many political matters.
This website is looking for freelancers that write in Christian niches. Word count range is from 500 to 1200 for website content. Articles to be printed in their magazine range from 800 to 4000. For their website writers, they pay $100, and for their magazine writers, they pay $1000.
Amount Per Post: $100 to $1000
Niche: General
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
When you write for this website, you will receive up to $400 for writing articles that contribute towards living or saving money in a country other than the United States of America when retiring.
Amount Per Post: $400
Niche: Living /Retiring.
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
As the name implies, this website pays for an article relating to the greater good of all, basic science and storytelling.
They can pay up to $350 for any article they accept.
Amount per Post: $350
Niche: Science
Payment Method: Unknown
Payment Information Verified on Website: Yes
Do you have a liking for yoga? Well, there’s a space for freelance writers to contribute to yoga and meditation articles. This website will pay you up to $200 for any article they accept from you.
Amount per post: $50 – $200
Niche: Yoga and meditation
Payment method: Unspecified
Payment information on the website: Yes
Craft Your Content is the website that pays you for writing articles related to language, writing, grammar, creativity, and productivity. They accept content that teaches their readers how to maximize the business of writing.
The pay range is $150 per article.
Amount per article: $150
Niche: Writing
Payment method Unknown
Website payment information: Available
If your writing niche is content marketing, social media marketing, and SEO, you should consider plying your trade here. This publication accepts articles with a minimum of 1000 words, with reference to third parties and engaging visuals. The topics they cover are focused on digital marketing for small businesses. They also emphasize on articles written by native English speakers.
The pay range is $50 per article.
Amount per article: $50
Niche: General
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
This website pays you for contributing to any subject listed on their website. However, they prefer well-researched essays, reviews from books and movies, informative essays, and well researched content at national and international levels. The pay is around $50 per article.
Amount per article: $50
Niche: General
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
This website pays you for writing content based on design. The expected word count for articles to be accepted here is 1,500 – 2000 words. You also get the chance to link your article to your website when published. Payment from this website is $100 per well-written post.
Amount per article: $100
Niche: Design
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
Linode pays technical writers to write articles and tutorials about cloud infrastructure, Linux, and linode. If you are a technical writer, then you can make a living by writing for Linode. The website pays up to $300 per post.
Amount per article: $300
Niche: Linux, Cloud infrastructure
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
This website pays freelance writers to create content related to software development. They are always in need of this contact to indicate to their readers to increase their knowledge base. Some of the topics accepted by this website are articles related to the Linux echo system, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, and Ubuntu. You’ll be paid up to $300 or $400 for complex well-researched articles and tutorials.
Amount per article: $150
Niche: Writing
Payment method: Paypal
Website payment information: Available
Plesk pays freelancers and writers to contribute well-researched articles in web security, WordPress, JavaScript frameworks, DevOps, and much more.
For short articles, the pay is $50, while longer articles of 1000 words and above get $100. For well-researched and comprehensive articles with 1500 words, you’ll be paid $200.
Amount per Article: $50-$200
Niche: Web Design, WordPress, Web Security.
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
You can make money writing for this website by providing original design-related articles. This company pays you $100 per post and accepts 1500-2000 word articles. You’ll also get access to link your articles to your website after publication.
Amount per article: $100
Niche: Design
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
Cracked is a website that accepts articles on almost all topics. However, your writing must have a bit of humour in it. Your article can be about social media, history, culture, anything at all. You can get topic ideas by skimming through the website and looking at older posts there. Cracked pays up to $250 per post, and you also get a bio on the website.
Amount per article: $250
Niche: General
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
Write Naked pays writers to contribute articles relating to current trends, arts, and crafts. They also accept interviews with top writers and success stories.
The articles are expected to be around 450-650 words. Payment for each article is $75
Amount per article: $75
Niche: Writing
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
GoDaddy Garage pays freelance writers and guest bloggers to provide quality content. The blog has an audience of web professionals and entrepreneurs and needs constant quality content for maintenance.
They accept articles related to Design, WordPress, Website Development, Freelancing, and Entrepreneurship.
They can pay up to $150 for any article they accept. However, they also consider the quality of your article before selection.
Amount per article: $150
Niche: Design, Entrepreneurship, Business
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
The Diplomat pays freelance writers to submit articles about a lot of things happening in the Asia-pacific region. Articles can cover any topic including Culture, Arts and Environment, Intelligence, Defense, Food, and Hospitality. They demand their blog posts to be between 400 to 800 words. To write for this publication, you have to pitch first, and the editor will agree upon a price.
Amount per article: unknown
Niche: Asia-pacific
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
If you are an expert in writing software development-related articles then you should consider writing for Semaphore. This publication needs writers and web developers who will contribute to their website by writing articles and tutorials based on software development.
For each article they accept they can pay up to $200, and there is no limit to the number of articles you can contribute.
Amount per article: $200
Niche: Software Development
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
This magazine allows you to write about anything relating to the rust belt region. Depending on the nature of your article, you can be paid from $50 to $500. They accept articles in the form of documentaries, essays, and long-form reporting.
Amount per article: $50 – $500
Niche: Writing
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
This website aims to create a practical and inspirational traveling guide for people who want to travel, work, study, live, and volunteer abroad. Therefore, they are looking for content writers who will write articles to help their readers achieve this dream. The payment is around $75 per article, and they can pay up to $150 for a well-researched and in-depth article.
Amount per article: $75- $150
Niche: Travel
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
If you have the skills to produce well-written, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow stories, then Longreads can pay you handsomely for that. The website accepts stories and articles which humans can relate to. For you to earn on this website, your article must be within 2500-4500 words. This publication encourages you to contribute something, even if you have not published an article before. Payment for each accepted article is $500
Amount per article: $500
Niche: General
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
Smithsonian is another influential publication where you can offer your freelance writing services. However, their focus is on History, Science, Art, Culture, and Innovation. The articles they accept are thoroughly researched on subject matters, studied and shown by the Smithsonian institution.
Their payment range is $60 for an article both for online publication and Their magazine.
Amount per article: $60
Niche: General
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Unavailable
We’ve listed so many travel publications in this article. But here’s another added one for you. Budget Travel allows you to work as a freelance writer producing content about Travel, Culture, Adventure, Tips, etc.
The payment price is not stipulated on the website, but a third-party source suggests the pay is around $1 per word.
Amount per word: $1
Niche: Travel
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Unavailable
The name gives out what this publication is all about. Just Parents is accepting articles about parenting. So if you are a parenting writer, you’ll have something to share on this website. However, they are specific about articles relating to first-time parents and pregnant women. For your writing to be accepted, it should be 700-1500 words.
The payment for an accepted article is not specified on the website, but they pay within 24 hours.
Amount per article: unspecified
Niche: Parenting
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Unavailable
Source is a publication that accepts articles for newsrooms. They take articles on web development and journalism. The articles should be in the form of tutorials, walkthroughs, case studies, and project introductions. For short articles, you will earn $200, while for longer articles, you can earn up to $500.
Amount per article: $200- $500
Niche: Newsroom, Web Development
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Available
Travel + leisure is another renowned website that is always accepting freelance writers specializing in leisure travel. Some freelancers have confirmed the website pays $1 per word.
Amount per article: Unspecified
Niche: Travel and Leisure
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Unspecified
Music Tuts+ is one of the blogs involved in the Envato blog network. They are constantly looking for writers with good music and audio background or experience contributing to the blog.
Music Tuts+ is keen on receiving “Quick tips,” short tutorials about a screencast. The tutorial should be a minimum of 500 words and should have one focal point. The payment for each article they accept is $65.
Amount per article: $65
Niche: Music
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Available
Talk of feminism, talk of Bitch Media. Its mission is to produce content that respond to feminist issues in the mainstream media and popular culture. To achieve this, they pay writers to churn out excellent written content for their website and magazine. Bitch media accepts articles within the range of 1,200 to 3,000 words. It all depends on the category of your article.
Payment is around $150 to $1000 based on the type of article.
Amount per article: $150 to $1000
Niche: Feminism
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Unspecified
Code Tuts+ specialize in publishing articles related to Web Development. Topics including PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Database system, JavaScript, and all web development-related topics. The website has a database of comprehensive web development articles, both for the front end and backend. For short articles and tips, you get a payment of $100, while for a more comprehensive and in-depth article, you’ll get $250.
Amount per article: $100 – $200
Niche: Web Development
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
Funds For Writers accepts articles aimed at helping writers achieve more with their craft. The website has a preference for articles that discuss the business of writing, unique ways to make income with writing, etc. They also accept articles referencing winning writing contests, writer’s success stories, and writing income ideas.
For your article to be accepted, it should be within 500-600 words. Payment is $50 per article. You can receive your payment via check or with PayPal (for international writers).
Amount per article: $50
Niche: Writing
Payment method: PayPal or Cheque
Website payment information: Unspecified
Another good website that pays freelancers for articles related to writing is Writers Weekly. Writers Weekly is a publication, not a blog. This publication focuses on selling written pieces, so they accept articles that show people how to write and get paid for it.
They also accept articles that expose the market that pays writers and other unique marketing ideas for writers. Writers Weekly will pay you $50 per article they accept, and you can write from any part of the world. However, you can only accept payment through PayPal if you are an international writer.
Amount per article: $50
Niche: Writing
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
B.michelle Pippin is a marketing and business blog that always receives contributions from freelance writers who want to write and get paid. If you are passionate about making money online and writing is your major, you should check them out.
They are interested in content about marketing and making money online. They prefer articles from experts on a particular topic and with a good command of the English language. Topics you can write about include making money online, social media, tax tips, productivity tips, national media spots, and more. Payment is around $50 to $150 for any article they accept.
Amount per article: $50 – $150
Niche: Marketing, making money online
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
Making a Living Writing is a popular blog run by six-figure freelance writer Carol Tice. It’s a well-known blog that gives out content about making money with writing as a freelancer. The blog is focused on helping freelance writers land better jobs, as well as how to improve their writing skills. If you choose to write for this blog, you can write about blogging, copywriting, marketing resources, ghostwriting, tools and sites for writers to check out, and a whole lot of related topics.
There’s a preference for members of the Carol Tice freelance writers community, both current members and former.
Payment for an accepted article is from $75 to $150, and you receive payment at the end of the month your article is published.
Amount per article: $75 – $150
Niche: Writing
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
This website will pay you for writing articles about living, working, finding a job, and settling in Canada. This about newcomers who are just joining the Canadian community. It covers everything from finance, social life, banking, and everything you need to know about living in Canada. Payment for an accepted article is $50.
Amount per article: $50
Niche: Canada
Payment method: Unspecified
Website payment information: Unspecified
If you are interested in writing about how to make and save money, you should consider writing for this website. The website focuses on providing their readers with insightful tips on how to earn and save money.
They prefer articles that come in the form of detailed stories and have outlined strategies and specific tips that will help the reading audience. For your article to be accepted by this website, it should be around 700 words to 1000 words or 2,000 words.
If you are good at telling stories or have personal experience about earning and saving money, you can share it on this website and get paid. Payment for an article ranges from $30 to $150 and is dependent on many factors. For international writers, they make the payment through PayPal.
Amount per article: $30 – $150
Niche: Earning and saving money
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
Better Humans are a publication that pay you to contribute to blog posts about self-development and self-improvement. If you are passionate about self-improvement, then this is the place where you should ply your trade. This publication has a collection of articles on human improvements, and they have a preference for personalized stories and articles.
They are not interested in thought pieces and summaries of other people’s experiences. Instead, they want articles based on evidence that address the real challenges and lives of their readers.
Summarily, a mixture of experience and research will be needed to write a good article for this publication. Your article should be around 2750 words for you to be accepted, and they pay $500 for each article that makes it past the selection stage.
Amount per article: $500
Niche: Self-development
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
Do you love vector art? Here’s a website that can pay you for contributing articles on making vector art using software like Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Corel draw, sketch app, and other content based on topography.
For short articles and quick tip tutorials, you can earn $50 to $70. If you submit articles regularly on the website, you can be earning $150 to $200. However, if you are a high-profile artist or educator, your pay is bound to be higher than others.
Amount per article: $50 – $200
Niche: Vector
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
Ken pays freelance writers to write a wide range of topics, including healthcare, technology, education, startups, and science. If you aim to take on a part-time writing job, you should consider working for this blog. Payment is around $0.25 per word.
The articles you write should be about southeast Asia and India and how their policy affects any topic you choose to write. They prefer articles between 1500 to 2200 words and pay within 30 days if your article is selected.
Amount per word: $0.25
Niche: Startups, Technology, Health, Education
Payment method: PayPal
Website payment information: Unspecified
This adult education publication is explicitly looking for articles related to adult learners. If adult education is something you have good knowledge of, you should consider writing for this publication. Payment is around $50 for each article they accept, and they expect your articles to be from 200 to 1000 words in length.
Amount per article: $50
Niche: Adult education
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Unspecified
Monterey Bay Parent pays freelancers to produce articles about parenting that relates to Monterey and Santa Cruz counties. They prefer articles that talk about things to do, family, fun places to go, and undiscovered treasures in Monterey and Santa Cruz.
For an article to be selected by this publication, it should be between 700 and 1000 words. The payment for each article is $75.
Amount per article: $75
Niche: Parenting
Payment method: Unspecified
Website payment information: Unspecified
If you have a wealth of knowledge about gardening and homesteading, you can make a living by writing about it. Insteading is paying freelancers to contribute articles regularly for their website. The articles can be in the form of a guide, how-tos, and other curated types of content. Payment for each article is around $50 per article, and they expect the article to be from 1000 to 2000 words.
Amount per article: $50
Niche: Gardening and Homesteading
Payment method: Unknown
Website payment information: Unspecified
60. INSIDE 485
This one is for freelancers who enjoy writing about food and culture, and you should consider writing for Inside 485. Inside 485 received articles about music, food, film, concerts, book reviews, culture, and lifestyle in Charlotte. They also prefer local event reviews in Charlotte, such as restaurant, bar, and brewery reviews. Also, if you can produce editorials and personal narratives relevant to Charlotte, you can earn from this website. Payment is around $50 per article
Amount per article: $50
Niche: Food and culture
Payment method: unspecified
Website payment information: Unspecified
Clubhouse is a software developing website that pays software developers. They are actively paying for articles from software engineers or freelancers with software developing knowledge. Their articles come in how-to guides, tutorials, career advice, and leadership thoughts related to software development. If your interest is in software and web design tutorials, then don’t sleep on this one. You can be paid up to $600 for each accepted article.
Amount Per Post: up to $600
Niche: Freelancing/Web design.
Payment Method: Unspecified
Website payment information: Unspecified
Ux Booth is a website that pays you for contributing to their laid down goals through your article. Their goal is quite simple: making the world a safe and better place to live in, and they will pay you to contribute to their goal.
They value articles that are backed up with keen research written from a third-person point of view. They expect words within the range of 1,200 to 1,800, paying up to $100 for each article they accept.
Amount per Post: up to $100
Niche: Usability/Design
Payment Method: PayPal
Website payment information: Verified
63. SNEL.COM is a web hosting platform looking for freelancers who would contribute to their website with tutorials to help them support their users. In return for your tutorials and articles, you get paid. pays £39 for each article or tutorial they accept. They expect a minimum of 300 words, and if you contribute up to 3 articles to their knowledge base, you get paid £60 for each.
Amount Per Post: up to £60
Niche: Web Hosting
Payment Method: PayPal
Website payment information: Verified
If you have in-depth knowledge about photoshop and how it works, here’s a website where you can submit articles and get paid. You can give an in-depth analysis of a topic or a short article with essential things.
They accept short articles or in-depth tutorials and pay $25 to $50 for the short articles when they accept them. They also $150 to $300 for longer and in-depth tutorials or articles when they accept them.
Amount Per Post: up to $300
Niche: Photoshop
Payment Method: PayPal
Website payment information: Verified
Smashing Magazine has been in the web design platform for so long and is renowned far and wide for their web developing website.
They are searching for in-depth articles, tutorials, and case studies backed up with research about web design and web development.
They accept articles that contribute to a better web experience, be it Photoshop, e-commerce, etc., to contribute to a better user experience.
They pay up to $200 for accepted articles through PayPal or bank transfer.
Amount Per Post: $200
Niche: Web design/ Web development
Payment Method: PayPal / Bank Transfer
Website payment information: Verified
Real python is a website that dedicates its contents towards helping python developers worldwide become better and sophisticated. To achieve this goal, they constantly accept in-depth tutorials and articles related to python, data science, web development, psychology, and many more relating to python.
They prefer articles from advanced-level developers with a minimum of 1500 words. The exact amount they pay isn’t stipulated on their website, but a trusted third party confirms the pay is around $300 per article.
Amount Per Post: up to $300
Niche: Web Development, Data Science, python
Payment Method: PayPal
Website payment information: Verified
GlobalFilmLocation is known for publishing articles that emphasize location in movies and other forms of media. They also pay writers to help them out with this task paying $50 for each article they accept.
Amount Per post: $50
Niche: Films
Payment Method: Unspecified
Website payment information: Verified
You must have come across the tuts brand somewhere in this article. Design Tuts+ is another member of the tuts brand, which belongs to the Envato blog network. Design Tuts+ is a leader in the design industry, and they pay freelance writers to churn out high-quality design articles, tutorials, and content. Design Tuts+ accept both short articles and in-depth tutorials. The standard articles writer get paid up to $250, while the lesser ones have a lower price.
Amount Per Post: up to $250
Niche: Print Design/ Microsoft word / Topography
Payment Method: PayPal
Website payment information: Verified
This website is mainly for people living in the greater Philadelphia regions so as you can see, and not everyone is included here. If you live in the greater Philadelphia region and are a writer, you could consider this website. They pay for writing about dancing, and they require 1-2 articles per month, paying $50 for each.
Amount Per post: $50
Niche: Dancing
Payment Method: PayPal
Website payment information: Verified
Open Skies is an intelligent, creative, and most especially a collectible magazine that focuses on people and the story they tell. Pitch a travel writing piece for Open skies after studying their current issues. This publication works hand in glove with freelance writers and photographers to make magazines that reflect the value of the Emirates.
Amount per Post: Based On Assignment
Niche: Travelling
Payment Method:
Website payment information: Verified
How To Pitch Freelance Writing Websites

To make money writing for your favorite website or publication, you should know how to pitch your freelance writing services to these websites and communications. This section will analyze the important things you should know to pitch to these publications and websites.
5 Tips For Creating A Successful Freelance Pitch
The best way to pitch editors of publications or websites to submit your articles and get paid, is through an email. Follow these tips if you want to create a convincing and successful pitch to your editor.
- Do Your Research
Before you choose a particular website or an editor to submit your articles to, make sure you are sending your work to a good publication or writing website that is perfect for the niche you want to write in. Some of these websites have an established editor already, so you should search for them and familiarize yourself with their publications and article structure. You need to get familiar with the publication you will write for and be confident that you can deliver the content they want.
- Get Their Attention
In writing your pitch email, ensure you use a catchy headline that is less than 65 characters. Your headline should be your hook and should have a summary of all your pitch entails. If your headline is catchy, then the editor will likely click on your email and read your article, but it all starts from your headline.
For example, if you are writing something about motivation using Elon Musk as a case study, you can use a headline like “How Elon Musk Killed My Dreams.” This will most likely not be the topic of your article, but it will grab your editor’s attention first.
- Be Brief and Specific
When you pitch an editor using emails (which is the most obvious way), you will want to keep it straight to the point and simple. Your pitch should contain;
- A headline
- What you are writing about (topic, tutorial, discussion, etc.)
- Why you are writing
The “Why” is an integral part of your pitch. I would say it is an essential part of the pitch after the headline. This is where you convince the editor on why he needs to publish your article. Here you explain the reasons why your article should be preferred over similar articles submitted.
In this section, you explain the value of your story and how it engages the human element. You explain why the readers will connect perfectly with your story. You also tell the editor if your story is timely, unique, and significant to what the publication wants. All these are what you should explain in summary.
- Keep It Simple
Your pitch should include enough information which will explain why it is newsworthy. This section should not cover more than one or two paragraphs on your pitch. Make sure you include the format of your article and tell the editor if it is an interview, list or an essay so that he can know what to expect. Also, cite references where you found the facts to back up your information in your story.
Include a deadline in your pitch. For example, you can include a simple sentence to let the editor know how long you expect them to reply before pitching your story to other publications. You can use a sentence like “Please, send a reply within three days if you are interested. I might pitch my story to other sources if I do not get a response at that time, thank you.”
Most times, editors only reply to pitches they are interested in, so if you did not get a response by the time you stipulated, you could send a second email to be sure that your pitch did not lose its way in their inbox. If you do not get a reply after the second email, it’s safe to assume that they are not interested in your article so that you can pitch your article to the next publication. Do not forget to include your email and your phone number with which the editor can reach you.
- Check Spelling And Grammar Errors
Making mistakes in your spelling and grammar as you write your pitch will be pretty devastating. Some editors might see these mistakes, and sum up your whole article to be unprofessional or full of mistakes. So ensure your grammar, tone, spellings, and facts are in check.
Final Words
Now you know you can make a living through writing for websites on a freelance basis. No matter the niche or style of writing you practice, there is a website in this article that you can offer your services to and get paid for. Are there other freelance writing websites that you know that we did not include in this article?
Please let us know in the comments section. Also, do not fail to share this article with people in your circle and to anyone you know that wants to write and get paid by a website or publication.
Sharing this article will help your friends and other people in your network get access to this website, and it will also encourage me to create more content that will help you make money by writing online.
Are there other topics you would want me to highlight as regards writing and making money online? Let me see your response in the comment section below. 🙂